Favorite Video of our Little Man!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sledding, Pockets, Laundry, and Where IS KARSTON!

Well hello again everyone! I have been a bit of a slacker when it has come to the ol blog, so this is what we have been up to lately. Really not very much, but it has been exciting. A few days ago we invited my sister-in-law Jodi and her family to go sledding. Mostly because we were going to take a new couple who just moved into our ward from Nevada, and really don't know many people yet so we thought maybe they would like to get to know Jodi and her cute family. Well they ditched us, but I was tired of staying at home all day long so we still decided to go and then we went and had a scrumptious dinner at our personal favorite restaurant "The Jones Home." Really it is not a restaurant, but it might as well be they make the yummiest food every time we invite ourselves over. It's GREAT! Our meal that night consisted of Steak, onion rings, french bread, broccoli, and sauteed mushrooms. So thanks Jodi and Blaine for the yummy food!

So here are just a few pics I took while Doug was enjoying walking up and down the hill a thousand times!

US just in case you were wondering!

Doug getting ready to go down on the tube!
I couldn't take it anymore. It looked like to much fun so I decided to
go down with my little man once... okay it ended it up being twice
Who needs a sled? Just sit and go! Smart girl Hannah!
You don't even need to drag anything up with you!
Oh Ryan we love you!!!!
First time going down! They got plowed to, but Karston was saved!
I think I have the CUTEST little nephew EVER!


So Karston has recently discovered he has pockets in his jeans. So now he walks around with his hands in his pockets, sits with his hands in his pockets, stands with his hands in his pockets, and probably would sleep with his hands in his pockets if he had pockets in his jamies! It just cracks me up so here are some pics of him with his hands in his pockets!!!

So I am a slacker and I haven't washed towels for awhile. Didn't realize this however until I gave Karston a tubby and realized I had nothing but hand towels to dry the little thing off. So Luckily he is still tiny enough we did the Hawaiian towel draping! I think he looks kind of cute! Oh well I have done laundry since this picture was taken so he can once again be a little Yoda baby!
So today I went to check on Karston while he was taking a nap. So I walk in there and I couldn't see anything but his normal animals in the crib. I was like okay I know I put him in this crib so I look a little closer and finally find my little animal among all the other little animals in the crib. Thought it was funny so I had to share! What a creative little guy.... He built his own animal fort!

Monday, January 17, 2011


Well today was a very GREAT day! We found out this morning bright and early what kind of bundle of joy will be coming into the Purcell home! We are very happy to announce that Karston will be the BIG BROTHER to a BABY BROTHER!!!! Yes folks we are having another sweet little boy come to our home! We are so excited that Karston is going to have a brother to play all those things that mom really won't know how to play like Spiderman, or super hero's, or fighting or whatever else boys play. I am still learning! :)

So without further ado here are the photos of our little new little man!

This is his spine. To me it kind of looks like the tail of a tad pole
Just in case you didn't believe me here is the proof...
These next ones are 3D we didn't ask for it, but the lady that did my ultrasound said she was the only one that knows how so she did 2 for us for FREE!!! This one the poor little thing looks all smashed. How on earth can that be comfortable? I just don't understand! It looks like he is being drowned by a BIG blanket or something.

This is the best shot we could get. He is VERY content and would not move. He remained in this position the ENTIRE time he occasionally would move his little hand. He was NOTHING like Karston. Karston would keep showing us his hands or flip so we could see what he was again and again. Not this one. He got in the position he wanted and there he stayed. Let's just hope that that continues once he is out!!!! :)

I personally can see a little bit of Karston in the mouth, cheek, and nose area can you?
Well there he is and in 5 months hopefully you will have a much clearer picture when the little man is here!!! Oh and we are accepting name suggestions. We didn't think we would have more than 1 boy so we haven't been looking!!!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Just Like Daddy!

Our little Karston makes us laugh EVERY single day! The other night Doug was going to go rent a movie and I guess Karston thought he was going too, because he went to the back porch and got all ready. When we got there this is what we found followed by a cute BYE! He had this little look on face that was just like he was saying "K dad I am ready lets go fix those windmills!" Love this little man don't know what I would do without him!!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Reminders and Blessings!!!

I always love it when a New Year comes! I love it when January 1 rolls around every year. I always feel rejuvenated and ready to take on whatever comes on!!! That is January 1 by January 2 that particular feeling is gone. So I figured while I am feeling so buoyant I should write my Happy New Year post.

I have to start out by telling everyone about what my little man did. I know I have probably told most of you who read my blog already, but I figure that my blog is kind of like my Journal so I am gonna tell it again and if you would like to keep reading go ahead and if not that is okay to.

December 30 is my best friend in the whole entire world daughters birthday. They decided to celebrate it at Blast Off this year. So I was sick earlier that week so I was still just feeling kind of tired, weak, and headachy, but I figure Kelli ALWAYS no matter what is one I can count on so I need to muster it up and go, and I am so glad that I did. This was my first time at Blast Off so I thought it was kind of fun. They have this big ball pit right as you enter into the kids play area well Karston FINALLY got enough courage to climb in after examining and throwing lots of balls out of the side and realizing that it probably isn't going to eat him up if he goes in. So he gets in and is playing having a marvelous time laughing, swimming yadda yadda yadda. Well then ALL of the BIGGER boys came and of course jumped in. Well an immediate look of terror came over skeptical Karston's face and he immediately proceeded to jump out. I pushed my hair back so my ear would be showing ( Anyone who knows Karston knows that if he gets scared or is tired he hurries and goes to grandma or grandpa's or mom and dad and starts to rub their ear weird I know, but that is what he does none the less). So there I am ear ready, arms open ready to comfort my little man. Well he was looking at me the entire time except he did the exact opposite from what I thought he was going to do. Instead of coming to me once he reached the bottom of the ball pit he Knelt down, folded his arms, and started to pray. Now obviously he still speaks some foreign language, but I can only imagine what he was saying. Something to the effect of "Heavenly Father, PLEASE don't let me die tonight." Kelli, her mom and I were laughing, but now the more I think about it I can't help but feel a little comforted by it. Some may say maybe I am reading to much into it or that he possibly can't understand the concept of prayer yet I mean good gosh he isn't even 2 YET. And you all are probably right, but I also know that our kids are sent to us to help us learn. Karston was scarred and I was less than 2 feet away from him yet he dropped to his knees and started to pray with no one telling him to fold his arms or anything. So Yes maybe I am reading to much into it, BUT all I know is that he was scarred and his instinct was not to come to mom, but to say a prayer.

That was a great lesson for me. It makes me wonder and kind of think about my life. Do I when I am scared turn to some mortal being or do I quickly kneel down and pray to my Heavenly Father?

Anyway I love this little man and I am so very grateful for EVERYTHING that he teaches or reminds me of every day!!!!


This year is already starting out WONDERFUL!!!! We already have lots of exciting new adventures coming and can hardly wait to see what else comes along!!!

So far this is what is going on!!!!



He (due to the fact that he was asleep when we got home) Slept in his new BIG boy bed ALL night. He was NOT happy with mom and dad that morning however. He walked over to his crib pointed at it and "MINE MINE NIGHT NIGHT." Oh boy this is gonna be fun teaching him to share with his new little sibling!

DOUG: NEW JOB!!!!! He will be starting a new job Monday January the 10!!! We are all so very excited and proud of him. He is so excited and we can't wait for this new adventure!

KARA: A new BABY in June!!! Actually that is for all of us, but I needed something exciting to put for me!

So far that is it and it is only JANUARY 1!!!! Anyway HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! We wish you all a very blessed, healthy, and HAPPY New Year!!!