Favorite Video of our Little Man!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Salt Lake Trip!!!

I am very far behind on my posting so there will be some new updates coming over the next few days! We had the opportunity of being able to go to Salt Lake with Grammie and Grampie. Some friends of theirs has a time share at the Kimball, and weren't using 1 week so we booked it and had a VERY fun vacation! We started our little memory maker at THIS IS THE PLACE. It was soooooo much fun! I love the feeling, and just learning about the way pioneers lived, and see how their houses were, the dirt roads, cute school houses etc. It just truly makes me happy for some reason! No I was not meant to be a Pioneer, and if I were well I would have been born now. I guess maybe it just makes me truly grateful for what I have now like indoor plumbing. Greatest invention EVER!!! Anyway so here we are at Pioneer Village!
They have a cute little train ride so Karston, Doug, and myself went on that and Jayden got to stay with Grandma and Grandpa on side lines. It was fun to see Karston! He was so enthralled with everything we couldn't get a picture where he would look at us!

They also had a place where you could pan for gold. That was exciting why I wore white I will never know. Karston obviously didn't quit understand what we were doing so he just had fun playing in the mud, and water. Doug was the only successful one. He had to give it back, but they did give him a sucker for his treasure! That was nice... I would much rather keep the gold, but whatever.
We of course couldn't leave with riding the ponies. Karston LOVED it! I was amazed I thought for sure he would be scared of them, but he just got right on, and grinned the entire time. He rode once with Grampie helping him and once by himself. Grampie was pretty darn proud I do believe. I think he had just as much fun as Karston did!!!

They also had LOTS of handcarts lined up so we snagged a couple photos!

It was SOOOOO hot while we were there so we took some time to play and hang out at the Condo. Jayden has now discovered that he can see a little better, so he had a great time laying on one of the many beds kicking, and talking to his new friends. They must have been telling some pretty funny jokes, because these are the faces we kept getting! Soooo dang CUTE!!!

Sometimes I wish I could be a new baby. They have it made. They don't have to clean up poop, or pee. They get carried around EVERYWHERE. People snuggle and love on em (Well maybe not that part so much, guess it depends on who the person is!!!) But the best thing is they can sleep no matter what your doing, or where your at. Jayden got plenty of shut eye this trip!!!

We ran out of blankets, and these two snuggle bugs were to tired to get off the couch, so a sheet is what they got!!! Cute Cute!!!
The Kimball is like the most perfect location. It isn't too far from anything really. One night we walked over to Temple Square. It was sooo beautiful. These are just a couple shots I got before it rained on us!!!

The second day we went to HOOGLE ZOO! I love Zoos especially this one! I love all the fun animals. Especially the Gorilla's, monkeys, Giraffes, Elephants, and Rhinos! They have a Carousel in the middle of the park, and then also a cute little train ride! Karston right now is REALLY into trains hence all the train rides!!!

This is the BEST ice cream invention EVER! I love DOTS! If I had a lot of money I would buy TONS of this stuff. Sooo yummy!
This is the Gorilla in case you were wondering. He kept begging through the window to the workers for more food. They ignored him however. He kept scratching his head and trying different tactics, but no matter what he did nothing helped. Poor little guy!
Sunday we went to Music and the Spoken word. Beautiful is pretty much all I can say about that. They actually held it in the conference center because there were about 7,000 if not more people that came to hear the 24 of July music celebration. It is always amazing to me what things touch you the most. I have sung this song a MILLION times, but I never really listened to the words or maybe it is because it was put to a very moving video I don't know, but what I do know is that "Come, Come, Ye Saints," is by far my most favorite song EVER. As I listened to those beautiful words and watched the tender movie, tears filled my eyes, and I was overwhelmed by all my many blessings. I don't have to and hopefully NEVER have to watch my children struggle walking through unbelievable circumstances. I am amazed at the faith of these valiant followers who kept going even after burying a child, spouse, or loved one knowing full well what would happen to them and knowing that they would never be able to visit that spot again. Anyway listening to that song puts a whole new light on my life. When I have a struggle or think back to some of my struggles I am so grateful they are nothing like what they had to endure. I just simply couldn't imagine watching Karston or Jayden at the ages they are now go through what children their age went through. So if you haven't lately I encourage you to read those beautiful words, and while doing so think of all your great blessings for there are many. The best of which is that no matter what we are going through our God will never us forsake as long as we don't forget him. How I love this gospel, and how blessed my life is because of it.

Monday morning We went to the parade. AMAZING!!! Forget the 4th of July this is now our new tradition. The floats were so beautifully done they just took my breath away! Loved it!!!

This picture cracked me up. Santa rode down the street in this awesome chair. I think I need one of these! So comfy!!!

These pictures are out of order, but let me tell you of my deep frustration. Some may think I am silly, but oh well. One of my dreams is to meet a prophet, or just be close enough that we obtain eye contact whatever works fine! So I was told that the prophet leads the parade. Well that made me just that much more excited for the parade. Well we get there got a great spot at the very beginning of the parade. I sat on the corner and looked at this lovely little car for 30 minutes. Probably only like 30 feet away maybe. While waiting I kept looking across the street at this open spot, and I kept feeling like I should go over there, but then I kept thinking well then everyone would have to move and yadda yadda yadda. Well the parade started and I was up front ready to see the prophet and wondering where he was in the line. Well the announcer announced "President Thomas S. Monson" I got all excited and then it happened... The car that I was starring at for the past 30 minutes was President Monson's car, and of course he was sitting on the opposite side of where I was standing. Had I listened to my prompting I would have been able to stare at him for 30 minutes instead of the front of his car, but no see kids this is what happens when you don't head a prompting HEARTBREAK!!! I almost cried I was so sad.... Oh well next year maybe will be my year! I did get his arm however.

All the clowns posed for a picture for me before the parade started! Ronald McDonald was even there!!!

On our way home we decided to drive through Sardine Canyon out of Brigham and drove up to the Logan temple. BEAUTIFUL! The temple was under some construction, but I think I got some good pictures.

It was a FABULOUS trip and we look forward to hopefully going again next year!


  1. If you think the Hoogle Zoo is awesome, just wait till you come to the zoo in Omaha. It's 20x more awesome! I miss you and your cute kiddos! I miss snuggling with Jayden!

  2. Wow that does look like alot of fun- i do need to get out more!!!
