Favorite Video of our Little Man!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Jayden's big owie and Porter B-day!

So the other day I gave my babies a bath. I left and went to go grab their clothes real quick. When I returned I found BLOOD EVERYWHERE! It was just pouring out of Jayden's mouth and Karston had it all over him. I asked Karston what happened and trying to be so brave and not cry he just said"I no know" So I again left Jayden sitting in the tub got Karston cleaned up and out of there so then I could just focus on Jayden. I looked and tried to see where the bleeding was coming from but couldn't see anything but blood. I called my dentist office and they said to bring him in at 2. It was about 1:15 when all this happened. So I am handing Jayden one pop-sicle after another to try and keep whatever from swelling and maybe slow down the bleeding a smidge! Thankfully my Visiting teachers had called that morning and wanted to come and see me at 1:30 so when they got here they could see the wonderful day I was having and offered to stay with my babysitting kids and Karston so I could run him up to the dentist. SOOOOO Appreciative of their help. Anyway the verdict was he pushed some of his teeth on the top back up, tore the little skin tag that connects the upper lip and the gum (hence all the blood), and chipped his front teeth! Now we have to wait for the swelling of his gums to go down so we can see if he cracked any teeth. Lovely right! Well he hasn't been wanting to eat much hard stuff lately so if its hard it comes right back out! Anyways needless to say that night was HORRIBLE! Anything and everything I tried didn't work. Finally my very sleepy husband came out and took Jayden went laid down with him laid Jayden on his chest and started to hum "I am a Child of God." Jayden was out almost immediately. I went back in the bedroom and this was the end result soooooo Cute! This picture shows just what they want when they are very sad....Daddy, snuggles, and of course Bunny milk!
 On Saturday Porter celebrated his 3rd birthday at Rigby Lake! Once we found it we had a Blast! I haven't been there for so long. I couldn't believe how nice it is now!  Karston, Porter,and Ryan are literally the best of friends. They are so funny to watch when they are all together. Their personalities are just so very different. Anyways they love it when they all get to play and so do we!
 Beautiful Hannah playing in the sand!
 The 3 Stooges, Musketeers whatever you have to call em! Aren't they just so stinking Cute! Love every one of those faces so much!
 The Birthday boy!
 I can't believe they are all 3 now. Where does the time go. Honestly.
 Jayden and Blake wondered around taking everyone else's food. Love this picture of Jayden and how he is looking at me like... What... Haven't you ever seen a baby eat before?
 Two cute baby buddies plotting their next mess making event!
 Cute Baby Blake! YUMMY!!!!
 This picture just cracks me up! I LOVE the tongue sticking out so funny! He did it though. He worked hard standing up and holding that at the same time. It was quite the process!
 Karston had fun filling buckets of water and pouring it onto the sand. He is so handsome!
 Porter got these fun gardening tools. They had a lot of fun digging around and splashing water all over with them!
 Garrett and the boys helping with a sand castle!
It was so much fun! I can't believe how quickly the time has gone. It seems like yesterday Beckie, Jodi, Terressa and I were all laying around nice and pregnant and now look at those beautiful boys running about! Love them all. Happy Birthday Porter bug I am so glad you are my nephew and one of Karston's best buddies! Hope you have the best 3rd birthday ever!


  1. OOh Poor jayden- I was glad he had a good time at the lake- thanks for coming to the party and taking pictures- you are the best!!!

  2. Poor Jayden! Your babies are so cute! Miss them and you!
