Favorite Video of our Little Man!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

From Christmas to Island Park and LOTS inbetween!

Okay well since December I haven't been in the mood to do much, but I finally got out of my hole and am trying to catch up on my life. I finally got my house just about reorganized again and I am feeling good! So lots has happened like Christmas, New Years etc. So here is a VERY long post of what we have been up to lately! Enjoy!!!!
Christmas! Karston trying to be an angel and making Jayder bug one too with a cookie cutter! Silly boy!
Just look at this handsome boy! I don't think I could love that face any more than I already do! Such a handsome stud muffin!
He resembles a frog in a lot of ways especially with the way he crawls so we got him Kermit the Frog for Christmas. He loves it naturally!
Karston LOVES trains right now. He yells CHOO CHOO ALL BOARD! So he got a little Thomas train and track.
My hubby found me this beautiful piece. I have been running out of space for my jewelry so He found me a much bigger Jewelry box. I love it!
Christmas with Grammie and Grampie Mullen, and Grammie and Grampie Dann and Jeanine Mullen! Spoiled kid! They got a table, auto train, fun electronic stuff, clothes, and toys. Thank you all for thinking of them for Christmas!
We made Grampie a video of our trip to Nauvoo. It turned out great!
Jayder bug got some fun little tool toys of course to play with.
The neat auto. Train!
Look at my big boy sitting up and enjoying his fun new toys. Getting so big :(

Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa Cox! I forgot to take actual pictures with my camera so these are the ones Doug got with his phone. The boys got some really cool Disney books, clothes, and a few fun toys. It was lots of fun and we appreciated everything we received. Jayden's favorite toy is Buster Brown. They have deep conversations as you can tell by the picture.
Grandma Cox and Jayden So cute!
Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa Purcell! Every year we have more additions and it is getting to be so chaotic but OHHHHH soooo much fun! The little ones make it so exciting. We had a yummy meal, followed by lots of fun presents. The kids each got a special teddy bear which they LOVE and we got some fun gadgets too! It was a great day Thanks!
My sister-in-law had an idea to do a picture with the 4 smallest boys out on the farm. So I brought the camera and took the picture and then we went and printed it out. It turned out pretty nice I think!
Me and my Baby!
Can you not get enough of him. Okay I know I am obsessed but look at this little beauty!
KILER'S BAPTISM! This little man turned 8 and was baptised. His program I have to say was probably the most embarrassing program I have ever been to and I wasn't even on the program. Karston told Grandma Cox that he was going to go sit with Grandpa so she lets him go, and do you think he really wanted to go sit with Grandpa Cox? If you said no your right. You see he is getting pretty smart the older he gets. He knows how to work the system all ready. At bedtime to avoid going to bed he starts to tell me he has to go potty, and of course I let him go because what if he really did need to go... I don't want to clean it up right. Well Karston's favorite place at church to be is on the stand. So the sneaky little devil uses this excuse to get up on the stage. I was being good and actually listening to the speaker when the next thing I see is Karston having a race up to the stage and behind the speaker and dancing and doing whatever. So I quickly go up there, and like any normal 2 year old he sees me and just when I get close enough to grab him the little stink runs the opposite way and is laughing his little head off. I was getting looks like I was the worst mother in the world, because I can't control my kid. Anyways, thanks to my Uncle Joe he jumped out and caught the little stink, and I went out to the foyer and pretty much died of embarrassment inside. So thank you son! Can't wait till you have a kid of your own so I can tell him or her to do the same thing to you! Paybacks will come!
This handsome Devil is my cousin Carson. At this time he was getting ready to serve a mission. So exciting.
The Newlyweds with Kiler.
The Borg Family
Me and Karston with the Baptism boy!
Auntie Tawnya. Isn't she so cute!
Kiler with his favorite present!
GIRL'S NIGHT! My sis-0n-law Beckie is Awesome and has been putting together Girls night the past couple months. This was the 1st one we did. It was so fun. We had a mani/pedi watch a movie, face mask, eat food party. It was great. She always goes above and beyond for these things. Someday I hope I can be like her! Anyways it was way fun and can't wait for the next one!

We did a cinnamon/nutmeg mask. My face never smelled so yummy!
The Girls!
Our cute toes!
RANDOM FUN! Jayden just being his cute and handsome self and wondering why I am always staring at him with a camera in my hands.

My soldier boys!
Jayden scoots everywhere now. He kind of got stuck on the rocking chair and couldn't figure out how to get off. Look at that baby cleavage!
Doug playing cars with Karston. Karston is very demanding and wants it done his way. Have fun Doug!
Jayden thinks he is REALLY big now. So this particular night he got really mad because he wanted to feed himself and not let me do it so I gave up and let him go for it! HE LOVED IT!
He is a little multi-tasker to. Take a drink, grab the food in the bowl, and grab the crumbs on the tray! That's my boy!
KARSTON AND NINA DATE DAY! First start off hanging on the backside of the recliner.

After that go make snow angels on the floor in the kitchen!
Go jump on the bed over and over again.
Do some sign language!
Have a romantic mac and cheese and applesauce dinner before parting until the next day!
Jayden LOVES his Mickey Mouse. Especially when he can sit and watch it without big brother changing the channel!
I came into my room the other day to find this. Don't really know how they did this but they were very successful!
FINGERPAINTING! Nina a Karston were bored so we broke out the finger paints. Aren't they such cute little artists!
It's a tree mom!
Jayden happy not being bothered while he plays farm!
Look at this AWESOME artwork! Mom even did some too!
FAREWELL CARSON! My little Carson has left on a mission. This little missionary is so cute and SOOO excited to go. I have never seen anyone so ready. He will do a great job, but we will miss him dearly! Isn't he so handsome! He has always had a special place in my heart because he always told me growing up that he is going to buy me whatever I want! Just kidding well he did tell me that. He just has a great heart and is an increibly AWESOME young man! Good luck Carson we love you oodles!

ROCK SPRINGS: So we went to Rock Springs to check out a prospective job. The job was AWESOME the location HORRIBLE! I couldn't believe it as we were driving around there were actual DRIVE-THRU BARS where you can get your alcohol, bullets, and guns all in one stop and to add to it they have these in the middle of NEIGHBORHOODS!

Don't know why this picture is in here but I guess you all just wanted to see a weird picture of me!
Little Man!
Where's Jayden? The workings of a big brother named Karston!
ISLAND PARK! Our annual Island Park adventure. Doug and I took the kids up on Saturday and played and Doug left on Sunday for work on Monday. It was lots of fun. I do have a couple more pics that I want to post, but I have to get them off of Doug's phone first. They are cute we made snow angels and threw the kids in the snow it was great fun! Doug broke his phone and so instead of paying 250 bucks to get it fixed he found a kit online for $60. So here he is concentrating on fixing his phone. Turns out you have to dismantel the entire phone to replace the screen.

To keep the kids away from DOug we built a fort. It was fun. I haven't done that in such a long time! Karston thought it was the coolest thing ever! I was just impressed I remembered how to do it!
Doug and I went and played Racquet ball which by the way we decided we are NOT talented in, but it is still fun anyway. So while we did that Karston and Grampie played Ping-pong.
Then Karston and Daddy played Racquet ball that was the CUTEST thing EVER! The racquet was bigger then he was!
He was really into this game. I was crying I was laughing so hard. It was darling, and just look at him in those shorts and socks to handsome for words!
Teaching time!
He did pretty good actually!
Waiting for daddy to go swim!
Loving the little 3 foot pool!
Family photo! I have the cutest boys ever don't look to closely at me!
I taught Jayden how to jump off the edge which became his FAVORITE thing to do and got really good and fast at it!
Karston has always loved to help me with Jayden. He knew he was still hungry so he started feeding him for me. What a little sweetheart!

Jayden had a fever the entire time we were up there so we decided to come hom early and take him in to get it checked. Good thing we did. Poor little guy had a pretty bad ear infection, and Karston had a sinus infection. Plus the little man cut 2 bottom teeth. Poor little thing. Anyway he really like crawling all over Karston's potty. He is like our grandma's I have a hard time getting him to smile and not shut his eyes becuase he knows a flash is gonna go off. Silly baby!

Even though he is sick look how happy that chipmunk is!

All snuggled in with Grammie. Isn't that so sweet. Night night!

Anyway's so that is what has been going on the Purcell world as of lately. Hopefully I won't get that far behind again! Love my family so very much! They are my most favorite possessions and I would be completely lost without them!

1 comment:

  1. You are too dang sweet!!! Love the udpate andall the pics!!
