Favorite Video of our Little Man!

Thursday, December 30, 2010


This Christmas was WONDERFUL!!! We had lots of fun at all the parties we went to, but most importantly we had Karston here to make it so fun and special! I don't think he actually understood what or why he was getting presents on this particular day, but he sure had fun opening and then trying to figure out how everything worked. These pics are all out of order and I just don't feel like fighting my computer to put them in the correct order! SORRY!!!

One more apology.... We went to my in-laws, but being the HORRIBLE parents we are we forgot to take pictures of that event. We had a great time. Karston got some AWESOME presents and I will take pictures and post them soon. We had a wonderful dinner made by Grandma and just had tons of fun being together. Terry got a fun clay pigeon game and it was funny watching all the boys trying to outdo each other shooting the targets. We had lots of fun and love you guys tons THANK YOU THANK YOU for everything!

Grammie and Grampie Mullen gave Karston this AWESOME tool set! It was so funny watching Doug put this together you had to use the toy tools in order to set it up! Karston also helped! He LOVES it! Thanks Gramie and Grampie!

We got him this Rocking Chair. In case you can't tell it has his name across the top and then below that it has a juke box with music notes coming out. We figured since he loves to dance and he loves music so much that would be fitting. We thought it turned out way cute. Now we just have to stain it!
We also gave him this cute little four-wheeler! Now I don't know if that was such a great idea. He uses it, but mostly for this purpose! In fact it was funny... the other day he was standing like this except his foot stepped on the button and made it go. Luckily he was hanging on to the sink so he didn't get hurt, but for some reason he doesn't stand on the handle bars anymore. Wonder how long that will last!

Grandma and Grandpa Dann and Jeanine gave him this cool 1938 Fire engine peddle car. He was soooooo excited for this little hummer to get put together. It is absolutly darling. It has a hose, ladders, and a bell on the front. So cute! Thanks you all. We love you and I think we all witnessed how much Karston loves his new ride!!!
Grandma and Grandpa Cox were so kind! They win the prize for the most ANNOYING toy, but a very LOVED toy as well. It really is a darling horse, but Karston has figured out where the buttons are that make it Ney and Ney some more, then clip clop, and wag its tail. Karston really loves it but more than anything he just loves to stand in front of it and push the ears and make it go. I have looked, but I can't tell where the batteries are kept.... I hope it isn't one of those toys that will never die. Oh well I guess.... It makes Karston happy and that is all that matters right? :P RIGHT!!!

So every year on the Cox side they do a Christmas exchange. We all draw names and then you get a gift for that person. Well Doug has done something with his face every year so far. Well my cousin Jacquelin got his name this year and I thought her idea was rather creative. He got a plaid shirt and then she went through some old pictures and made a lovely collage on it. Then at the bottom it reads " GOT FAMILY?" Doug gave her a shirt a few years ago with his picture on it and his said at the bottom "GOT DOUG?" Anyways here is her BEAUTIFUL work! Thanks Jacquelin HE LOVES IT!!!

Karston opening his elephant!

Sooo Helpful!

Sooo one of Karston's new things is that he LOVES tools! Whenever he finds a tool or dad is working on something Karston is right there helping! This particular moment he was helping Doug put safety locks on all our cupboards and drawers. Now I bet he wishes he didn't help with that project!

Friday, December 17, 2010


So I went to Utah this week and ate LOTS of delicious food. So I got on the scales to see what my damage is since I go to the Doctor on Monday morning. Well folks all I can say is that I am PRETTY DAMAGED! I have decided that A. Either Karston has been playing with my scales again. B. I am having GIANT triplets or C. This is gonna be 1 HUMONGOUS baby! I apparently now weigh 911 pounds. Hummm I think I am gonna have my work cut out for me after this pregnancy!!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Karston's Girl and Dance!

Here are just a few pics we took of Karston and Nina playing together! They were pretty cute! Karston also was in a little dance recital the other night. I know most people think I am weird for putting him in a dance class, but this baby LOVES to dance. Usually if he hears music he takes of shaking that cute little booty of his and creates all sorts of new moves... Plus I think it is good mostly because he gets to interact with other kiddos his age and gets some exercise in the process as well! He however did not dance on stage. He never saw his shirt before so it was a little shock when the lights went on and hit all his sequence on his shirt so he kept looking at the lights and then back at his shirt then back at the lights. But on the bright side he didn't cry and run off. He was crying when he went up there so I was at least thankful for that! He did a good job looking cute, so what more could a mom ask for right!!! Sad he didn't do his thing but still a proud momma!

After dancing Grandma, dad and Karston went and got some food while I stayed to watch the rest of my nieces and nephews dance. They all did a beautiful job!!!

He also now likes to sing. So he finds these candle sticks and sings beautiful
songs!!! Just wish I knew what the words were!!!

DATE NIGHT! This is lovers log! They did all their smooching
on this log!

I think Santa and his elves were bored!!!!
I love you Honey!
Karston making his move!!!
The happy couple!!!
I promise we weren't doing ANYTHING!!!
I almost forgot to tell about the best part. Well Karston was giving Nina kisses back to back on the "Lover's Log" I think after about 10 or so kisses Nina got tired of smooching so Karston went in for another kiss and Nina looked at him like she was going to kiss him and whack the next thing we see is Karston flying off the log and Nina laughing as well as myself and Erin. It was HILARIOUS! Sad but funny! Sad because I think she kind of hurt Karston's little ego. It didn't take long though before they were smooching and holding hands again. But that sight was priceless and I am glad I got it on video. Man I need to figure out how to put video's on here. I have OODLES of good ones with Karston!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What are you doing to me mom?

So Karston has a CUTE little girlfriend named Nina Amalia Nazario. They are 3 days apart and absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE each other. They actually are more entertaining to watch than T.V. So we decided to take these two love birds and go and see how they respond to Santa. All I can say is that is was HILARIOUS! LOOK for yourself below!!!!

With mom's OK Santa's not that bad!
Without Mom's FORGET IT this man is TERRIFYING!

Don't you like the color of socks dad put on Karston! Oh boys how do they dress themselves all matchy. but can't seem to match kids outfits! Gotta love it! Doug you make me smile!!!! I have some videos to post of these two. Karston LOVES to smooch on Nina, but I haven't figured out how to download the video from my camera yet! So if you know how PLEASE LEAVE ME A COMMENT!!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Happy SNOW everyone!!! Unlike most people that live in Idaho I long for the snow! I love it!!!!
So I have had oodles and oodles of kids the past few days so Thursday it was just me and my little man so I decided I needed to spend a little one on one time with him so we went and played in the snow! It was actually warmer with no wind so I figured perfect day to go build a Snowman! Karston was soo funny. He walked like that kid on Christmas Story and eventually he just fell over. He didn't cry or anything so I just let him lay there and try to figure out what this cold white stuff was. He learned that you can make snowballs out of it, you can make angels in it, that you can fall in it and usually it doesn't hurt, and he learned that mom will NOT let him eat the yellow or brown spots!!! We got some cute pictures and had lots of fun making our cute snowmen. We tackled each other and I think that was his very favorite part of all. So here are some pics of Karston's first snow adventure! I can't wait to take him sledding! WAHOOOO!!!!

The sticks actually were stuck together so we
are holding hands which is usual!!!
Me tackling him. Had to get some sort of picture to prove
I was there right! Mom's are never in the pics!!!

Karston with HIS very own snowman!!!
Helping mom build the bottom of her snowman!
Don't you just want to kiss that little face ALL OVER!
I love you MONKEY MAN!!!
Our work here is DONE!!!
Sooo tired and oh so sweet!