Favorite Video of our Little Man!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Jayden has ARRIVED!!!

So I know this post is a little late okay 9 days late but I am now doing it!!! We are so very excited to announce the arrival of our newest little Purcell baby!
Mr. Jayden Kevin Purcell graced us with his presence on May 28, 2011 at 5:38 p.m.
Here is the chain of events read if you would like!!!!

*Saturday morning Doug and I went to the hospital at 7:30 a.m. where I was induced.
*At 9:30 Dr. Hall came in and broke my water. I HATE that feeling by the way. I was checked and was only at a 1. (This could be a VERY Long day.)
*At about 11:30 I received the WONDERFUL never having kids without one Epidural. I really don't care if they make me itch like a dog with flees. As long as I don't feel the pain I am one happy camper!
*12:00 I was dilated to the glorious 5 SOOOOOO Surprised mostly because with Karston it took about the entire day to just get to a 5.
*2:00 I was at a 9 This is AWESOME I can't believe it!!!
*2:30 our AWESOME nurse Laura came in to deliver bad news. We had to stop my Pitocin due to an Emergency Dr. Hall was called to at Mountain View (This actually also happened with Karston Dr. Hall just barely made it back in time to deliver Karston.)
*4:00 Nurse comes back in to start the Pitocin and to get me back into a strong active labor.
*5:38 My handsome new love has arrived! I only had to push for an hour and a half. To some of you that may seem like a long time, but I pushed for over 2 hours with Karston so I was happy to have some time cut off!!!

Jayden weighed in at 7 pounds 7 ounces and 20.52 inches long. He has HUGE feet. When I was doing my kids baby book I compared their foot prints Karston's were oh so tiny. Good sign that maybe I will have some tall kids. Just not too tall I hope. He looks bald, but he does have hair it is just INCREDIBLY blond. We think he might have green eyes, but they are still in transition!

He is such a good good baby. Only cries when hungry. Would already sleep through the night if I let him. He has long fingers, but the cutest and my most favorite thing is his shaky chin. He has inherited what is known as the "Cook Quiver" his little chin is constantly shaking. We kind of hope it will settle down as he grows, but if not it is still pretty cute!!!!
We are truly blessed and so far very lucky. We have had two great babies, both very mellow and sooooo scrumptious for mommy to kiss on!!! I can't believe how very lucky I am! We love you Jayden and are so glad you have finally arrived. You have such a sweet and tender spirit. We feel so honored to be your parents!!! We love love love love love you!!!!!!!!!


  1. He is just soo cute- looks like a doll! i want to come over and squeeze on him some more!!!

  2. Congratulations! He is VERY cute! I just want to pinch his cheeks. Our kids can get married someday :). I'm glad you labor went so much faster this time. I hope you are recovering well and getting plenty of sleep.

  3. Oh he is so handsome- He looks just like his adorable big brother! Congratulations on your new arrival.

  4. So cute!! Congrats! He is adorable! Glad everything went so much smoother this time and hopefully you recover quickly!

  5. He is adorable!!! I am glad that all went well. He looks so happy and content in that picture. How are you feeling? I hope all is well!!!

  6. I am so sorry I haven't commented yet. Kara, we are so similar!! I had to push for 1.5 hours with my Jayden and I had to stop when I thought I was getting close for an ER!! That's funny... Not funny at all at the time. It's mean. Anyway, I am so glad that all is well with you both. I love your little one's name ;). He is a beautiful baby, but I can't expect different with a mama like his! Many loves!!
