Favorite Video of our Little Man!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Nesquik and RAIN!!!

SOOO I try my hardest to write down all the sweet and tender moments I have with my kids, because we all know how quickly they grow and how quickly we get older, and how quickly we forget of all the sweet moments we have with our little people. Even if it means writing it down before a normal hour of the day. Well I have had 2 special times lately one with each baby so to start out I will tell of this morning...

It is 5:30 am today and Karston started to cry so my good Hubby went and got the poor little tyke out of bed and brought him into ours. I just had finished feeding Jayden and just got situated all laid down again when I feel on my shoulder tap, tap, tap. I look over and starring over me is the SWEETEST little face with the CHEESIEST among CHEESIEST grin starring at me. That little face was Karston of course and with the cutest voice and while still doing the Cheesiest among Cheesiest grins he said "Kawa BAAAAHNEY." Well Baaahney at our house is Nesquik Chocolate or Strawberry milk. I wish I could have video taped this moment because how he looked and how he said it was sooo dang sweet! I love my Karston baby!!!


Recently we had a HUGE rain storm involving thunder and lightning and lots of rain! I LOVE thunder storms (Now that I am older) Well Karston I thought was somewhere else at the time so I decided to open up the living room and let some cool air in, but also decided to let Mr. Jayden have some much needed tummy time. So I laid Jayden down in the living room on his little play mat and I left to go to the bathroom. Well I wasn't gone more then a minute, I came out to check on my Little Love only to find my little love, and toy MIA... Yes the little thing was missing in action. After taking a minute thinking to myself I know that I left him right there a minute ago, but not remembering that I had just recently opened the front door to let the cool air in I began looking around thinking that maybe Doug had come in and had Jayden and I just didn't hear him. NOPE not the case. I began to search around when I hear again this sweet little voice coming from the front porch (behind the now CLOSED door duh) saying "OOK YADEN AIN" which translates into "Look Jayden Rain" yes my little Karston decided to take Jayden out on the front porch by dragging him with the toy to go out and look at the rain. I wish so much that my camera worked so that I could have captured this cute little moment, and of course I NEVER think to go get my cell phone until after the fact. Karston had piled up I don't know how many blankets on Jayden and had some toys to entertain him I guess and Karston was laying next to him on the little jungle mat with his little arms behind his head watching the rain with his baby brother!

I don't know what I did to deserve my two sweet boys, but I am SOOOOO Happy that they chose to come to me. My life would be empty without them!!!!

1 comment:

  1. ooh I love those stories- Sweet babies- I need to come and see them !!!
