Favorite Video of our Little Man!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

West Yellowstone FUN!!!!

We took a weekend and went up to West Yellowstone and played for a few days! Grampi entered his car that he refurbished in the Car Show they have up there. It was lots of fun!
 To start off the car show they do a parade of all the cars. It was pretty neat to watch and see what all came. Karston and Doug rode in Grampi's car. He hasn't done anything with the motor for a while so he just pulled it on the trailer. As I was walking to take pictures a little kid said "That car is sooo old they can't even get it to start." It was funny he had to of been like 4 or 5.
 To say that Karston LOVED this part of the trip would be an understatement. He loves to drive cars lately what boy doesn't right? Anyways Doug said a lot of people commented on how cute he was in that hat driving that car! I have to say that I agree. He is pretty darn cute!
 Smile and wave boys..... Smile and wave!
 Here are just some pictures of some of the other cars that came. I loved the BRIGHT colored ones!
 The Pink Panther was this beauties name!
 This is what Jayden thought of the parade. Sleepy baby!
 Garth and Nancy Jones were up there as well. So Karston got special privileges and got to sit in their cute little T-Bucket!
 Just about EVERYTHING in this car was all stainless steel. Even the seats. Doesn't seem very practical to me but whatever!
 I want this tiny little peddle cop car. So cute!
 Can you see what is missing? It took me awhile to figure out how they got in this car!

 I WANT these chairs. They were as tall as I was and as wide too. They have enough cup holders for a 6 pack! You could fit like 3 kids in this sucker!

 I don't think I could ever sleep in this without feel claustrophobic. Maybe if I HAD to I could. So little. The Tear Drop trailer.

 Following the car show we went back to play with the boys. Jayden kept wearing my cowgirl hat. So cute. Actually Karston has now adopted it as his so anyways. It is still super cute!
 We blew lots and lots of bubbles. I just love the faces they make when they are learning how to do new things... Like blow bubbles!

 Jayden tried to figure it out as well. He would dip it then say "ahboo" and dip it in again. He wasn't ever successful but it was cute watching!

 Daddy did a lot of this! Poor guy so tired!
 While Grammie did a lot of this!
 But we still stayed outside and did A LOT of this!

 The place we stayed at has a fun little park in the middle of it. Karston thought the tire swing was pretty fun! I have to admit so did I. I forget how much fun toys like this are!
 As always Jayden can be found playing in anything he can pick up and throw.
 After everyone napped and got caught up on the news we went to a cute little 50's diner. It was so yummy and very fun!

 Jayden discovered how much he LOVES Ketchup! That's my boy!!!!
 Then we went to this little place. I can't remember the name of it but it was kind of like a VERY small Zoo. It had some bears, wolves, owls, a Bald Eagle, and some other neat birds! It really was pretty neat I just wish we had a little more time to look around!
 Karston thought the bears were pretty fun to watch. They had twin brothers out and they wrestled and played together much like my 2 little bears!
 Karston looked at this and said "Poor Teddy"
 The wolves were howling to each other. It was pretty neat. Their stance is so beautiful when they howl.
 The boys in the wolf den!
 This owl was funny. He would walk around and then stop and look at you like fine take a picture now!
 No this isn't stuffed. It is an actual Eagle looking around! So pretty!

 They also had a little play area. They also give the bears some trash cans, coolers and stuff. You get to watch them mutilate it. We missed it but still neat to see the displays of them.
 Jayden debating if he is going to go down or not.
 Finally at the end they have this HUGE Teddy Bear that reaches the ceiling. Karston was pretty impressed by it. He however, had an accident on the toys so he was in a diaper and couldn't get out.

 Jayden was playing peek-a-boo while Karston took a bath in the sink. It was pretty cute. I love watching these two play together! Especially when they are being nice!
 Grammie had a sad minute, because Jayden took a good fall and it scarred her. So once Jayden was calmed down he came in to give her some loves and let her know he was Okay. Such a nice boy. He sure loves his grammie!
All in all it was a VERY fun trip! I love going to West Yellowstone. And I sure love Car Shows even though I don't know much about cars!

1 comment:

  1. You have had an eventful summer- always fun to make memories!!!
