Favorite Video of our Little Man!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

December 23, 2013

December 23, 2013 is probably a day the Purcell family would like to just forget. Today we received the news that Terry (Doug's dad) has cancer. He got really sick in October of this year with some food poisoning. Well he apparently threw up so violently that he ended up breaking some ribs. As time went on he wasn't feeling any better in fact he was getting a bit worse with pain so they decided it was time to go in and just see what was going on. 

Where he had been feeling yucky for quite some time the decided to do an MRI which later turned into a CT scan and that is where they found out that he actually has bone cancer. So then the fun began. After like a million tests they finally determined that he had Stage 4 lung and bone cancer. So now what... we take things one day at a time, hope for the very best and try to prepare for the very worst, and come together as a family and do whatever is needing to be done. Divide and conquer. For awhile Terry couldn't be left alone so my sister-in-laws would bring their kids to me and then they would alternate days and go hang out with Terry and do what needed to be done. I was so grateful that I was able to help them out by keeping their kids while they went and did the real work. I loved every second of having my nieces and nephews there I was able to get to know them each better and just snuggle them which I of course love. 

I often wondered what families go through when a loved one is diagnosed with cancer. Not that I ever wanted to find out or anything but, in a way I am kind of  (I hope this isn't bad of me to say) I was kind of, a very very small kind of, glad that I did get to find out.  I was absolutely AMAZED at the all the love, and kindness and all the selfless acts of service that my in-laws received during this time. I don't think there was a day where someone didn't call or stop in to drop off a goody or read to him or rub his feet or a million other things. It was incredible. I remember often times leaving there with such a full heart in just realizing Heavenly Father truly is aware of ALL of his children. Young and old. He is aware of us and he loves us and he wants us to feel of his love so he sends his angels to buoy us up and to keep going no matter what the circumstances are. Honestly, words can't even begin to describe the love we as a family and Terry himself felt during this entire experience. 

What an absolute blessing and testimony builder to me. Simple things really do matter. As I write this post on July 2, 2014 I am so elated to say that my father in law won the fight. We don't know what the future brings but we do know we get him for awhile longer. We are so grateful to our Heavenly Father for listening to the sweet little prayers of his grand kids and all others that were by our sides fighting this fight cheering us on along the way. Life is so precious you really do not know what is going to be thrown at you on a daily basis that you will have to work through. However, we do know that our Heavenly Father loves us. He is aware of us daily. I don't know how he does it but he does. He truly listens and answers our prayers. 

So remember my kids and grand kids and great grand kids and whoever else reads this post. Family is the most important gift of all. Stay close to them but most importantly remember life is about the Simple things and you really only have to please one person and that is your Heavenly Father. He loves you and will ALWAYS be by your side no matter what. Lean on him and he will bless you. Bad things will always happen that is just part of life but thankfully he will give you the tools you need, the strength you need, and he will send special angels your way to make the rocky road smoother. 

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